Reiki Practitioner Healing with Patricia Jenson

Patricia Jenson is a certified Reiki Master and she brings that experience to all your sessions with her.  

One of the healing paths I bring to my clients is “Reiki” — a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being. reports that, “A 2007 survey shows that, in the United States (U.S.), 1.2 million adults tried Reiki or a similar therapy at least once in the previous year. Over 60 hospitals are believed to offer Reiki services to patients.”

The “ki” in Reki stands for energy — same as “chi” in Tai Chi.  In the west, a lot of scepticism surrounds eastern healing systems and energy work.  Two points about this:

  1. We are all formed of energy, as we learned in high school physics.  Whirling atoms. And everyone knows how touch, hugs, and even coming in close proximity with another person can cause changes in how you feel.
  2. Western medical practitioners who may be critical of Reiki and other energy healing systems, have yet to explain the placebo effect, and other documented examples of healings that take place, but are unseen by the naked eye.  

A Reiki Practitioner knows the energy that is “spent” in the universe and is trained to receive awareness from the universal energy that is “housed” in the chakras. These awarenesses and energy projections come from the hands to the person and vice versa. Energies are the “nectar” of the Reiki practice. 

The practitioner asks for the universal energy that is “fetched” from the energy points of their hands and then channels that energy to a person to encourage emotional or physical healing.  As the practitioner moves the energy they can also sense it intuitively. 

In the past healers were mostly sages, shamans etc. The work of Reiki, however, has never been as important as it is now, and we are witnessing an expansion of the practice and the health benefits. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why I love Reiki so much and why I incorporate certain Reiki healing methods into the work I do which also includes Access Bars.   

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