“Everything we experience in this world is energy, and everything we experience has an energy to it. ” – Dr. Dain Heer, of Access Consciousness

Your body is energy. All around us is energy.
Think about the quote above for a minute and how it relates to your energy body. The fact that everything is energy says a number of remarkable things about your world. It’s written by one of the leaders of a group where I am certified for several types of healing services including Access Bars. There are a number of wonderful things you can work on once you realize all is energy, and today I want to explore a bit about the human energy body.
The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences recently published a paper that indicates, “As matter and energy can be converted into each other, it is important to study the human body from the perspective of both the material and energetic systems, which can complement each other.” In fact, matter itself, when you dig right down to the atomic level IS energy. We all know this from high-school physics, but somehow we forget to work with it in our lives focusing on what the Chinese call Qi (as in Qi Gong) or Chi (as in Tai Chi).
Treatments for Your Energy Body
As a Reiki Master, I learned (as an article from New York Presbyterian Hospital explains, “Reiki is a holistic Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and spiritual healing. Rei means higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness, and Ki (same thing as the Chinese Qi or Chi) means life energy. Reiki, as a whole, is spiritually guided life energy. People are susceptible to illness when there is a restriction in the flow of energy and Reiki seeks to restore it.”
Then, about 20 years ago, I found Access Consciousness and their method of energy healing — Access Bars. The Access Bars® is an amazing treatment that involves gently touching 32 points on your head. This can release lots of things where you have blockages. Think about it like defragging your hard drive — erasing things that are stored that you no longer need and may be harmful to continue to hold. These points (aka bars) contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. Note that beyond Access Bars, we also practice “Body Processes” which also help healing of your energy body. I am certified as a practitioner and facilitator in both.
I am going to embed a short video of what one client I’ve helped has to say about an Access Bars session at the bottom of this article. It can be helpful to learn what other professionals have learned about energy healing to help you understand what is going on, since most people cannot see the energy fields of the human body, sometimes called the Aura.
An article at Learn Religions identifies five layers of energy associated with each person. This also applies directly to an understanding of your energy body. According to that writer, “The human body consists of five layers of energy.” I will pause here to remind you that even what appears as “physical” is actually energy. The article continues, “These layers are where our mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional characteristics are stored. They can be in balance or out of balance. Which is why energy medicine practitioners believe that it’s not enough to just treat the physical body when people fall sick. The other four layers must be evaluated and treated as well.”
That article uses slightly different wording that we do practicing Access Consciousness to help your energy body, but it all corresponds to what we learn in Reiki and other modalities. As a Transformational Life Coach, I can tell you that an area of prime importance is covered by this description in the article: “The spiritual layer of the human energy field is the final layer. It is the place where our “consciousness” or “higher awareness” resides. This final layer ties us not only to our past lives but also to universal consciousness.”
All is energy. All can be changed and healed. As Dr. Heer has also written, “It wasn’t until I started understanding that energy is within all of us and everything – it’s our primary language, our basic nature – that I realized that, really, anything is changeable.”