Your Energy Body and Healing

Your Energy Body and Healing

The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences recently published a paper that indicates, “As matter and energy can be converted into each other, it is important to study the human body from the perspective of both the material and energetic systems, which can complement each other.”  In fact, matter itself, when you dig right down to the atomic level IS energy. 

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Journey of a Reiki Practitioner

Journey of a Reiki Practitioner

A Reiki Practitioner is said to know the energy that is “spent” in the universe in that a Reiki practitioner is said to receive awareness from the universal energy that is “chartered” in the chakras of the practitioner’s hands. These awarenesses could be a specific distance from the hands to the person and vice versa.

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What is Consciousness?

What is Consciousness?

In Hindu philosophy, turiya (Sanskrit: तुरीय, meaning “the fourth”) or chaturiya, chaturtha, is pure consciousness. Turiya is the background that underlies and pervades the three common states of consciousness. The three common states of consciousness are: waking state, dreaming state, and dreamless deep sleep (see Wikipedia article).  I like the idea of consciousness “underlying” and “pervading” behind the different states sort of like an ocean running under it all. 

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